

I am a self taught artist in Franklin, TN. Art has been a life long hobby. When our youngest daughter left for college, I began painting more. I set up a home studio instead of painting at my kitchen table Soon, I was asked to paint for others, and what was a hobby turned into a passion.

Live from my workspace

Live from my workspace


Mari Tenkhoff

I am an abstract artist from Franklin, TN. I am a full-time mother to three daughters and three goldendoodles, and a wife to my husband Kirk.

Art runs through my veins; from a young age, I have woven artful perspectives into all of my careers. Through my art, I have learned that there is beauty everywhere and everyone deserves to share that in the comfort of their home.

I hope my art makes you feel.

If you would like custom work, please email me at mtenkhoff@comcast.net 




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